Like many freelancers, I sort of fell into this journey. I was living my life like most of us do or have before; working a regular job and making no time for my personal goals.

Then one day it happened!Due to a mistake of my own, I lost my job and to make matters worst, I had just found out a week earlier that I was pregnant. I was upset and sad because all I could think was “what am I going to do now?” I fell into a depression. I was back living with my parents, pregnant and now not working. What was I going to do? I applied for so many jobs - nobody called. I was starting to give up and crying myself to sleep a lot of nights.
Then, one day it clicked in my head! I remembered my mom asking my brother and I if we wanted to work with her because she could really use the help and I did not want to go back to working a regular 9-5, pushing my goals and dreams to the side.
I went to my mom and we had a very deep conversation about me working with her. Now, my mom will tell you when I was 16 we tried this and it didn’t work out lol. But now as a 25 year old mom to be, I’ve come to realize that I needed a change, I CRAVED a change. She did not hesitate to tell me that she would fire me - daughter or not lol. I told her I understood because this is her business, her “baby” and so the journey into the virtual assisting world began. My mom helped me get my business setup, gave me a list of training to start with, books to read and has allowed me to work as her Executive Assistant, while also teaching me how to run my own VA business.
I realized in that moment that failing to plan is actually planning to fail. We all go through moments in life when we are uncertain about what to do or what’s going to happen next. But we have to realize that everything we need to overcome those feelings are right inside of us and if we have a solid plan, we can be prepared for the obstacles and challenges that might come our way.
This entire experience has helped me to prepare for not only being a great business owner, but the birth of my son as well. I realize that I HAVE to have a plan more now than ever. I can no longer go through the days, weeks or months blind and expect to be successful. I’ve learned working as a VA, you have to be on your toes at all times, be prepared for the unexpected and be sure you are five steps ahead of your clients whenever possible. And now that I’m about to be a mompreneur, I’m sure I’ll need a whole new balancing act.
As business owners and entrepreneurs, we can sometimes let the day to day grind and putting out fires eat up all our time and forget to set aside time to adequate plan for our business growth, let’s change that today and make a commitment to always carve out time to plan so that we minimize the fails.
To your success,

Jacquelynne A. Young is a virtual assistant serving coaches, consultants, and business managers. Prior to starting her Virtual Assistant business, Jacquelynne spent 5 years working in different customer service roles. She understands the importance of making and keeping customers and clients happy!
Jacquelynne has served 6 years and counting in the United States Army Reserve as an 88M (Motor Transport Operator). Serving in the military has taught Jacquelynne many skills such as critical thinking, how to adapt to change, thinking on your feet, and being responsive to name a few.