As an entrepreneur, you typically start out doing everything, however doing every job yourself is unsustainable and will definitely keep you from scaling your business to the next level. With hard pressed timelines to market products or services and constant demands for productivity, your business will eventually need to bring on board one or more team members to assist with marketing, sales, admin, creative, technical and/or other tasks as well. Outsourcing to a highly skilled virtual assistant - defined as a person who works remotely and online to carry out professional duties and responsibilities for another - is an appealing proposition, for a number of reasons.

Virtual Assistants Mean Cost Savings Entrepreneurs generally have limited funds. Since the virtual assistant (VA) works off site, usually from a home office, you avoid the costs of providing working space (real estate) and equipment. Furthermore, because virtual assistants work as independent contractors, this also saves on taxes and benefits incurred when otherwise hiring full-time, in-house employees. Other expenses you don’t have to worry about: hardware (they have their own computer, printer, and anything else needed), health insurance, vacation days, and sick days.
Virtual Assistants Bring Flexibility Entrepreneurs can reserve their time and brain power for the most high value, high growth work (their genius zone) while delegating routine and/or other important tasks to a VA. Entrepreneurs often start with a generalist VA for administrative support: answering emails, setting appointments, making travel arrangements and so on. But many specialists and college educated individuals choose to work as independent contractors, so it's entirely possible to find virtual assistants qualified to do or share higher-level jobs. Highly skilled VAs may have specialized talents in areas including (but not limited to): * Marketing (e.g. doing competitor analysis and customer surveys). * Market research and financial forecasting. * Communications (writing or updating blog posts). * Social media (managing a company's online profiles). * SEO and keyword research. * Website design and graphics. * Content creation and marketing.
* Systemization (streamlining processes and procedures). Online sites such as UpWork (full and part-time freelancers) to HourlyNerd (consulting-level services) and many others, help individuals find and match virtual assistants to their businesses. Entrepreneurs can use VAs for short-term or one-off projects or may develop a relationship with the contractor to provide services on an on-going basis as the business grows. Virtual Assistants Think And Act Entrepreneurially The ability to think and act entrepreneurially has become a critical work-life skill. Online Businesses are entrepreneurial, and virtual assistants are themselves micro-entrepreneurs in a world where job uncertainty is rather high. Businesses, in may cases, may run better if they're supported by people who understand the entrepreneurial mindset. Also, if a business hopes to grow, it's best to create partnerships with like-minded people. Virtual Assistants Give You The Competitive Advantage
While other entrepreneurs continue to try and do it all themselves or fail to make the necessary investment for their business to grow, you’ll gain the competitive advantage by having a partner supporting you. Having a virtual assistant helps your business to grow quicker. It allows you to spend time establishing and developing key relationships, programs and services, and the other revenue generating activities that only you can do. A VA helps you stay in your genius.
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